The default console

Stonehearth comes with a built-in console too, but it can only execute a handful of predefined commands. This is different from the Lua console from debugtools, which was added way later. The default console appears at the top of the screen inside the game.

Press Ctrl+C to open the console. Press Ctrl+C or Esc to close it. You can make it taller / shorter by dragging up and down the control located at the bottom right above the bar. default_commands

If we enable the debugtools mod, it will have many more advanced commands that can come very handy (for example, the promote_to command). Type help and press Enter to get the list of available commands.

Some of these advanced commands can be executed faster by holding Shift and clicking on an entity. A small window will appear with a list of applicable commands. Click on one of them to execute it. shift_click

These are all the commands from the default console after enabling debugtools. Mind that some of them might not work anymore, or there exists a faster command to do the same than they do. Let's group them for ease of reading:

Commands for speeding up testing:

Many of these commands require us to have an entity selected before we execute them. Some of them have arguments, such as aliases / URIs or numbers.

Commands for working around the bugs:

These commands can be used when encountering certain types of bugs, to help fixing the game state. As modders, we don't use these that often.

Other commands for general stuff:

Developer commands for debugging various things:

As modders, it's unlikely we'll be using these commands, but here's the list in case we need them.

Deprecated commands: